Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Fair Or Foul?

We'll go through current event topics this evening with the callers. There are a number of things we'll get into and try to figure out if they're fair or foul. Such as:

If your friend shows interest in someone, is that person is off-limits?

Is it okay to go clubbing when you're pregnant?  

Can you publicly humiliate your kids for anything?

Breast feeding a 3-yr old on the cover of a mag?

These things and other current event topics on #T2Q!  

Show #122

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  1. Mate? Maybe maybe not depends on the situation

    Well you can have a one-night stand and not get knocked up, but that may be how you got that way in the first place

    Not just ANYTHING, but there is a wide variety of available options!

    No! If they can bite the tittie they don't get to suck the tittie!

    As for the pic I have stopped my children from social media until 18! Maybe they will have the smarts of all the pitfalls by then!

  2. Well, maybe I need to reword "mate" to "person." Do you think everyone should restrict social media from their kids?

  3. You like your children and want to protect them from all troubles. How can we care about our children and leave them freedom to thik\nk and mke their own choice.

  4. That's a good question, ICOD. There's a balance involved in raising children and some parents can't seem to stay in the middle. Some of them seem to fall to one extreme whether it's too strict to not strict enough.


Some things just need to be said, so say them!