Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Now Ladies Have The #Power

Tues., July 7th @ 10 PM EDT

Stream the podcast here!

(Way) Back in the day, let's say the early 60's, guys could call the shots. Guys were the bread winners so that afforded them some luxuries when it came to mate selection. A lot of guys had the ability to choose exactly what they wanted in a mate because at the time women were looking for security. They wanted a man who could pay the bills and be a provider.

Fast forward to 2015 and the roles have completely changed. Guys are no longer sole providers of households. In fact, guys are rarely providers of households in a lot of communities across the country. Ladies have gotten educated and have started making money and support themselves. The result: now they are the ones making the mate selection.

Gone are the days when a woman only cared about security. Now that she has her own, she can do what the guys once did exclusively: she can pick and choose as she pleases. How does this affect dating in modern day society? With guys looking for security and women looking for eye candy, can the role reversal be effective?

We'll discuss that and more on the Talk 2 Q Radio Show! "No experts. Just opinions."

Click here to read my blog post on this topic...

Show No. 494

Scheduled for 90 mins.

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