Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Women Asking Men Tough Questions 2

Call-In # (347) 202-0215
Listen to the show/join chat room here...

It's back! The response of the 1st show was so overwhelming that I had to follow up with a sequel!

That also means the return of Brittney and Erica! They are the two, young ladies who set the pace with their questions that were asked to our Show Legends.

The questions from the last show were about sexual preferences, emotional issues, dating responsibilities and more. Tonight will be more of the same as they'll have even more questions!

If you have questions that you would like for a man to answer honestly, then submit them on my Facebook fan page or list them in the comments below.  Do so and I'll ask them on the air!

"Some things just need to be said."

Listen to internet radio with ThankQ on Blog Talk Radio

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Crackin' Up With @JeseniaComedian

Air date: Wed., Dec. 19th, @ 10 PM EDT / 7 PM EDT
Listen to the podcast here...

Jesenia Bailey joins the Talk 2 Q Radio Show to have some fun with me and the Show Legends!  Jesenia is a comedienne and YouTube star and she brings her talents to the show.  Look for her in her upcoming project, "Becoming Ricardo."

We'll discuss a number of topics as we approach the upcoming holidays.

Tonight's topics: Would you relocate for a significant other?

Should a couple go half on a social networking account?

Does a tattoo prove that your love for someone is real?

Are men of color at the top of the dating pool?

All of these topics, an interview with Jesenia and more on the Talk 2 Q Radio Show!

Listen to internet radio with ThankQ on Blog Talk Radio

"Some things just need to be said."

Show #178

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Rebel Flags & Journalism

Call-in #: (347) 202-0215
Stream from the chat room here.

Air date: Wed., Dec. 12th, @ 10 PM EST / 7 PM PST

A crazy combo, eh? Tonight, on the Talk 2 Q Radio Show, the callers and I discuss a number of topics:

Civil War reenactments: stupid or historically important? They go on across the country and to a lot of people, they represent the rich history of the desendants of the South. But, are reenactments important? If so, what would you reenact if you could rereate any moment in history?

What happened to journalism? I've seen so many grammatical errors in newspaper and incompetence in news reporting. What happened to the profession that most people took seriously at one time?

We'll also discuss some people in Africa who are doing it big, black businesses and their customer service plus much, much more on T2Q!

"Some things just need to be said."

Show #176>
Listen to internet radio with ThankQ on Blog Talk Radio

Monday, December 3, 2012

Work Spouse: Harmless or Cheating?

Call-in #: (347) 202-0215
Stream the show here...

For those of us who have been in the working world for a while, we've seen tons of examples of this or may have even had one: a work wife/husband.

You know, the one person who you always find yourself at their desk, having lunch with or discussing non-work-related topics with from time-to-time.

Is it wrong to have a connection with that person? Is it cheating on your home spouse?

We'll discuss that and more tonight on the Talk 2 Q Radio Show!

Listen to internet radio with ThankQ on Blog Talk Radio

"Some things just need to be said."

Show #174 >