Monday, May 30, 2011

Racism Lives 2

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Are the new immigration laws Arizona is trying to pass out of line?

Do interracial relationships hurt/help minorities?

More racism talk on the Talk 2 Q Radio Show!
Sunday @ 11 PM EDT / 10 PM CDT. Call (323) 784-3650 or hit up the chat room to join the discussion!
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Friday, May 27, 2011

Enter "The Friend Zone"

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"You're such a nice guy.  I hope that I find someone like you some day..."

Men, we've heard this before.  The backhanded compliment when a woman says she hope to find someone "like you," but she doesn't want you.

Once a woman considers you "a friend," there's no chance of you getting with her.  Why do some ladies think some guys are perfect friends, but not preferred mates?

More relationship talk on the Talk 2 Q Radio Show!

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Monday, May 23, 2011

For The Ladies

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Are men intimidated by professional / educated women?

The ladies get the spotlight on the Talk 2 Q Radio Show!
Sunday @ 11 PM EDT / 10 PM CDT. Call (323) 784-3650 or hit up the chat room to join the discussion!

Visit the Talk 2 Q Radio Show page here and Follow!

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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Do Twitter and Facebook both ruin lives?

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Will Twitter and Facebook cost you your job and / or relationship?

People use social networks as cyber psychologists or political platforms. Should a person have the right to air their opinion / personal lives on social networks without fear of being fired or discussed amongst friends?

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Friday, May 13, 2011

Are Kids Too Soft?

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Do parents coddle their kids too much?

Is the fact that schools can't discipline children contributing to their empowerment?

Where do kids get their sense of entitlement?

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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Bling, Tattoos, and Disrespect

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Do people love flashy? Are some of these "peacocks" that are walking around considered "prime choice" when it comes to choosing a mate?

What do you think of tattoos? Art, gangsta, or ridiculous?

Do ladies like being disrespected? Is that the reason Chris Brown and R. Kelly on top of the charts?

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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Let's Talk About Sex, Part II

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Why do women use sex as a weapon? They always talk about "giving him some," but shouldn't it be shared?

Do you watch adult movies with your partner or is it a solo thing?

Lastly, we'll chat about white women / black men: are white women the black man's Krpytonite?

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Visit the Talk 2 Q Radio Show page here!

Kids and Role Models

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Who is your child's role model? Obama or Lil' Wayne? Oprah or Nene? Kids today follow what they see on TV, but shouldn't parents be the role model in their child's life?

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Visit the Talk 2 Q Radio Show page here!

Sunday, May 1, 2011