Saturday, December 24, 2011

Woman Training 101

Listen to internet radio with ThankQ on Blog Talk Radio

Another much-needed show! Mylauney Billups rejoins the show along with Lady T to discuss the science of being a lady to the under-30 year olds of the world.

Woman training isn't as prevalent as it used to be a few generations ago. Some females just don't know how to be ladies these days. That's where the panel comes in. Join us as we discuss the following:

How to treat a man
Being a parent
Understanding the roles of a relationship

Straight female chat on #T2Q!

Show #82

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Uh, oh. Soapbox!

Listen to the show here!

Yes, it's back! Once again, I stand on my soapbox and speak my mind about a variety of topics that have been bugging me as of late:

Sandusky, Fine and child molesters

Lonely on Christmas? So what?

What happened to the music I once loved?

Why do light-skinned and dark-skinned black people argue?

Are you sick of people on Facebook wanting attention?

All of these things and more!

Straight ranting on #T2Q!


Monday, December 12, 2011

Saving Souls for Cash?

Listen to internet radio with ThankQ on Blog Talk Radio

Churches used to be a part of communities, but now there's one on every corner. Are churches more about business than they are saving souls these days?

Is there more focus on growing the membership (and tithes) than there is on truly helping people get closer to God?

Straight religious talk on #T2Q!

>Show #78

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Talk 2 Sonia & Brandon

Listen to the show here!

Tuesday, December 6th @ 10 PM ET -> Sonia of LogAllot and CriTeekMyBlog along with Brandon from My Own Private Idaho join me on the Talk 2 Q Radio Show as we discuss marketing, entertainment and current event topics.

California, Mississippi and Idaho come together!

Straight Cali-sippi-ho talk on #T2Q
#Sonia #Brandon

FB Fan Page

Show #73


Monday, November 28, 2011

Cougars & Sugar Daddies!

Listen to the show here!

Is it better to date older or younger? Does it depend on how old you are? Is age simply just a number?

This topic came up on a friend's FB Wall recently and it led to an interesting discussion. It brings up the topics of cougars like Stella getting her groove back to the ultimate sugar daddy in Hugh Hefner.

Straight "May-November" relationship talk on T2Q!


Sunday, November 20, 2011

White Women Who Love Black Men

This will be an emotional and touchy subject to discuss. There are some white women who have a preference for black men. There are some black women who are literally offended by the notion that a white woman is moving in on "her man."

Do white women care what black women think?

Are black men obligated to black women?

 These topics and more as I'm joined by Jennica, a white woman who loves her chocolate!
Straight jungle fever chat on the Talk 2 Q Radio Show!
Listen to internet radio with ThankQ on Blog Talk Radio


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

If You Don't Vote, Then You Don't Count

Listen to the show here!

With statewide elections going on here, I figured it was as good of time as any to get into some discussions about what's going on in the U.S.:


Occupy Wall Street

Election 2012 and more!

Straight political talk on #T2Q

FB Fan Page
Show #71

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Special Edition of Zone Coverage

Listen to the show here!

Call in number to speak with the host
(347) 202-0215

The Talk 2 Q Radio Show will wrap up the afternoon games at a special day and time! Starting at 7 PM ET / 6 PM CT, we will discuss Week 9 in the NFL!

Tampa Bay (4-3) v. New Orleans (5-3)
NY Jets (4-3) v. Buffalo (5-2)
San Francisco (6-1) v. Washington (3-4)
Seahawks (2-5) v. Cowboys (3-4)
Denver (2-5) v. Oakland (4-3)
NY Giants (5-2) v. New England (5-2)
Green Bay (7-0) v. San Diego (4-3)

There will be a preview of the Sunday and Monday night games as well!

Baltimore (5-2) v. Pittsburgh (6-2)
Chicago (4-3) v. Philadelphia (3-4)

We'll also get into LSU (8-0) v. Alabama (8-0), the BCS and more!

Straight Zone Coverage on T2Q!

Show #70

Standings & my picks for this week!

Master Intimidator = "Buck Flash / Pensacola, FL"
Pigskin Pimps = "M&M / Jackson, MS"
Do you really need help to figure out which one is mine?


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Real Men Seek: Tiffany Maberry

I started following Tiffany's blog in the late spring. I came across her site from Charli's blog at Man, Wife & Dog. She's a married 20-something living in the ATL.

What prompted me to follow her blog was the variety of entertainment contained on it. The Chocolate Knot is a blog site that gives you a real-life view to what Tiffany thinks a marriage should be. She's not a paid professional giving psychological tips on how to better your relationship or anything. She's simply someone who is essentially saying, "look, this makes sense, so why not try it?"

And that's why I love following her blog! My personal favorite post of hers is, "Are You Always a Lady in Front of Your Man?" Although some of it is tongue-in-cheek, it brings up something that I think escapes the consciousness of some women: You were a "lady" when he met you, so doesn't it take remaining a "lady" for him to keep you?

Her blog also details the story of how she married her husband and it contains plenty of photos dating back to their wedding/honeymoon even up to today to a recent Halloween party they attended. So, you can truly get to know her and her husband along with reading other informative posts.

Tiffany Maberry truly represents what real men seek: insight, common sense, a willingness to compromise and dedication.

Here is an excerpt from one of her blog posts that discusses how romance can quickly flee the bedroom! It's titled: "He Knows He's Not Getting Laid When..."

Please continue to her site to finish reading the post and follow her blog while you're there. You'll be a better person and will find yourself a step closer to being what real men seek.

"I was reading The Housewife Blog the other day. She was explaining how putting her retainer in at night is a clear sign to her hubby that he will "knot" be getting lucky that night.

  So that made me think... what other ways do we signal to our men that tonight is "knot" the night?

(Disclaimer - I'm not saying I'm guilty of any of these. I'm just saying...)"

Be sure to go here for the rest of her blog post and a list of things that let's him know that he's "knot" getting any that night.  LOL!  I shouldn't be laughing because I've been a victim of a couple of them.

Lastly, check out my interview with her back on July 7th.

You can follow Tiffany on Twitter or Like the The Chocolate Knot Fan Page on Facebook.

Previous RMS entries can be found here!


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Carrying the Burden

Listen to the show here!
Listen to internet radio with ThankQ on Blog Talk Radio

Tori D.
<-- Creator of, Tori D., joins me to discuss how stereotypes of a select few can actually burden people of the same race and/or gender who don't fit the stereotypical mold.

I will also be joined by Haitian hottie, Bendiane, to give an opinion on the discussion from her point of view. -->

How can we prevent the negative actions of a select few from going mainstream?

- Not every black woman is a single mom with an attitude
- Not every black guy is an unemployed thug
- Not every white guy is a bad dancer
- Not every white girl is easy
- Not every gay person is interested in you
- And more!

Straight stereotype talk on #T2Q

Get a FB calendar reminder here.

Show #69


Thursday, October 20, 2011

the Tsaritsa sez...

Alexandra joins T2Q
A star from the blogging world joins T2Q as Alexandra from the Tsaritsa Sez joins the show!

We will discuss the following:

Can only white people be racist?
Do tattoos inspire or have meanings?
Women and hip hop music
Plus much more!

Straight Tsaritsa talk on the Talk 2 Q Radio Show!

#T2Q #theTsaritsaSez

Show #67

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Man Training 101

Listen to the show here!

This show has been needed for a minute, but now it's here. The guys and I will throw on our lab coats and break down the science of being a man to some of you who haven't a clue of what it is.

Man training is something every male should receive and given today's society, where women are trying to raise men, it's not happening as it should.

We'll break down the following and more:

How to treat a woman
Being a parent
Being a leader and protector of the household and more!

Straight man talk on the Talk 2 Q Radio Show!
Get a FB Invite!
Follow me on Twitter @#Talk2Q

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

It's Pronounced "Na-Tay!"

This show will be graced by the mesmerizing Nate' R. Jones! Nate' is a freelance model who has done website photo shoots on top of movie appearances in today's hottest movies!
Listen to internet radio with ThankQ on Blog Talk Radio

or listen to the show here!

She and I will discuss the following:

-How she got started in the modeling industry
-How being a model affects the dating scene and more!

Twitter: #sayNatay

Check out her Black Men Magazine spread here!

Straight talent talk on the Talk 2 Q Radio Show!

Follow me on Twitter @#Talk2Q


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Bye-Bye Bad Relationships (30 Minutes to Love?!)

Most people don't want to make the same mistakes again (shocking, right?), and the truth is, you shouldn't have to keep making the same mistakes. So, that's why we're help, to help you move from that bad, unfiulfilling "situation," to something meaningful.

WhatTheLove™ is here to help you mend it...or end it, because if it's not working for you…then something needs to happen.

One more thing...our top coach is also Director Marketing for new dating site, why not visit the site and start your search for a new love TODAY!

This workshop isn't for everybody. This is only for people who are ready to take control, make changes, and get the love that they deserve.

Is this you?

This 30-minute workshop (with Q&A) is designed to help you avoid bad relationships...period! No more crying, whining and having conversations about what he or she didn't do. You are now equipped with the tools to make the decisions that are the best for you...even if that includes saying, "good bye!"

What is the biggest challenge in dating? According to a survey we conducted, it is the desire to avoid making the same mistakes. However, it is these mistakes that tether us to people who will, eventually, cause us to regard relationships as a bad thing, as we reflect on bad memory, after bad memory, and wonder why we stayed so long.

Again, this workshop is only for people who are ready to make changes.

If this you...we look forward to seeing (hearing) you on October 24th!

And here's a special for your T2Q Listeners; if you use the promo code: QCODE, then you will get 50% off the event price!

Click here and use QCODE when you get to your cart!

Follow me on Twitter @#Talk2Q

Friday, September 30, 2011

Life Imitating Hip-Hop

Initially, the show was supposed to be an interview with a model named, Anise Tai, but due to unforeseen circumstances, she wasn't able to join the show.  So, we got into the discussion of how every day people allow rap to influence their lives.

Listen to the show here!

Callers M&M, Ray, Buck, Amanda and Lady T discussed the following:

-How life imitates rap instead of the other way around
-Why do women hate women?
-Why do young males not know how to talk to females any more?

So much of the above stems from people wanting to be like the folks they see in the music videos.

As for Anise, we'll try to catch up with her at a later date.  Her info is below if you want to check her out.
Twitter: @AniseTai
Check out her Model Mayhem spread here!

Straight model talk on the Talk 2 Q Radio Show!
Follow me on Twitter @Talk2Q

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Control Freaks

We get into more relationship topics on T2Q! Listen to the show here!

How do you deal with a control freak?

Ladies, what if he doesn't want you to have friends or wants to have a say in your wardrobe?

Fellas, what if she checks your text messages or calls you constantly?

When good relationships go bad on the Talk 2 Q Radio Show!

Follow me on Twitter @Talk2Q

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Breaking Out My Soap Box

Listen to the show here!

Do you have some things to get off of your chest? Well, I do!
Are you dying to talk about a certain subject? I am!

Jay-Z drops $250k in a night club with a $50k tip

Soulja Boy drops the f-bomb on the troops

PETA gets a XXX domain site

Sarah Palin slept with Glen Rice?

I'll rant about those topics and more as I break out the soap box again! If you have something to get off of your chest, then join the show!

Real Men Seek: Charli Penn

I started following Charli's blog earlier in the Spring during The Stunner Tournament. In fact, I think Sonia from over at LogAllot and CriTEEKMyBlog introduced us. She's a married 20-something living in the state of California who writes for Essence Magazine.

What prompted me to follow her blog was the variety of entertainment contained on it. Man, Wife & Dog is a blog site that can do everything from give you a tip on how to improve certain aspects of your marriage to fun photos/videos that will brighten your day. My personal favorite is, "Why We Shall Be Known and Mr. and Mrs. Honey Badger From Now On." Long title, but my favorite post because of the included video.

What makes Charli so great is that she's a perfect example of someone who knows how to balance husband, pet, work and life in general. One post may be about how she met Will Smith on the job, the next is showing photos of her at the state fair with "The Man" or maybe just telling a story about Karma, her dog.

Charli Penn truly represents what real men seek: intelligence, spontaneity, a sense of humor and class.

Here is an excerpt from one of her blog posts that inspires couples on how to approach marriage. Please continue to her site to finish the post and follow her blog while you're there. You'll be a better person and will find yourself a step closer to being what real men seek.

"Remember when I blogged about how The Man and I are so not The Huxtables, well I’d like to think that by not always playing by the typical rules of marriage that makes us kind of bas-ass, right? If we’re happy and kind to other, what’s so wrong with that? They say rules were made to be broken, right? So why shouldn’t those on marriage apply? When you think about it, being a “bad-ass” couple can be a good thing. As evidence I present The Man and Wife’s Guide to Being a Bad-Ass Married Couple.

Rule #1
Don’t hold your tongues! Be honest (even if painfully so) with each other and your in-laws always. Sometimes the politically correct thing to do is stay quiet or sugar coat how you feel, but we found that usually just causes more problems at home. We make no secret of the fact that communication is the foundation of our marriage, and when you pair it with honesty it can be really freeing. You’re going to hurt some feeling, and that’s unfortunate, but keeping your feelings bottled in will only hurt you later."

Be sure to go here for the rest of her blog post. Lastly, check out my interview with her back on July 7th.

You can follow Charli Penn on Twitter or Like the Man, Wife & Dog Fan Page on Facebook.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Get Fit with Bry Jensen

Show #49 will be graced by the lovely Bry Jensen!  Bry is a freelance fitness model who is blowing up on the web!  

Listen here!

On August 24th, she and I will discuss the following:

-How she got started into fitness modelling
-What she does to inspire others
-Fitness and motivation tips

Straight fitness talk on the Talk 2 Q Radio Show!

Follow me on Twitter @Talk2Q

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Real Men Seek: Chaplain Donna

Listen to T2Q interview
I started following Chaplain Donna's blog about a year ago. She's a single mother living in the state of Michigan and was once a hospital chaplain.

What prompted me to follow her blog was the strength she displayed in each of her posts. Empowered Peace is a blog site that details how Chaplain Donna believes in focusing on her faith and self-improvement to help change the world around her. Chaplain Donna isn't about pointing the finger at other people. She realizes that in the seemingly-infinite task of trying to make the world better, she must first start with herself.

I've always described her as "First Lady material." The insightful thinking, class and demeanor she possesses is equivalent to a person of royalty. Also, whenever I read her blog, I can truly say that I learn something. Not just something about her, but something about myself as I start to think, "how would I have handled that situation?"

Chaplain Donna truly represents what real men seek: strength, courage, widsom and class.

Here is an excerpt from one of her blog posts that inspires women to be true to themselves. Please continue to her site to finish the post and follow her blog while you're there. You'll be a better person and will find yourself a step closer to being what real men seek.

"A one dimensional person is lying to themselves. No one is all good all the time. As a woman I thought it was my place be good, even during my years of being a "bad girl" I still had a persona within my group as a "good girl." There were certain lines I did not cross because I needed to be "good."

 What is a good girl or person? A person that lives their lives believing they are walking a saint. They do everything to live up to society's definition of a good woman. They continually deny their true feelings and act upon being liked by others. It is a life full of artificial connections, fake smiles and suppressed emotions. The "good girl" must die!"

Be sure to go here for the rest of her blog post. Lastly, check out my interview with her back on March 27th.

You can follow Chaplain Donna on Twitter or like the Empowered Peace fan page on Facebook.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Perpetuating Stereotypes

This is, by far, our most controversial and heated show ever.

On show #47, we'll discuss how TV perpetuates stereotypes. 

All women are catty (thanks to reality shows)

All white people in Mississippi are racists (thanks to movies)

All defendants are guilty (thanks to Nancy Grace types)

And more...

Get inspired for the show by checking out this blog post from I.Am.Trending!

Straight stereotype talk on the Talk 2 Q Radio Show!

Call (323) 784-3650 to listen in and / or talk to Q. You can also join our interactive chat room and ask questions from there.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

More Trash Talkin'!

Listen to the show here!

Download the show here!

On this show, things are wide open! Whatever the trending topic is on social media outlets, we'll discuss it! Deadbeat parents, Chris Brown, personal hygiene and more!

Straight current events talk on the Talk 2 Q Radio Show!

Follow me on Twitter @Talk2Q

Join me and M&M as we break down today's topics.

Sunday @ 10 PM ET / 9 PM CT!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Trash Talkin' Thursday!

Listen to the show here!

On this show, things are wide open! Whatever the trending topic is on social media outlets, we'll discuss it! Politics, celebrities, relationships, etc.

Straight current events talk on the Talk 2 Q Radio Show!

Follow me on Twitter @Talk2Q

Join me and M&M as we break down today's topics.

Thursday @ 10 PM ET / 9 PM CT!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Body for Hire

Listen to the show here!
Sunday, July 31st @ 11 PM ET!

Is a sexy body the only way for women to make it in Hollywood?

Should "sexy" trump "talent?"

Are video vixens, exotic dancers, nude models, etc. exploiting themselves or living the American Dream?

Straight sexy talk on the Talk 2 Q Radio Show! Follow me on Twitter @Talk2Q

For more on my blog post on "Body for Hire," go here!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Appearing on LFMS: Man Month!

I will be appearing on the Looking For My Radio Show! 

Click to enlarge photo
Here's the promo from the LFMS show host, Tracy: 
"August is MAN MONTH for LookingForMySpouse Radio! We will be interviewing only men which will allow us as women to hear first-hand directly from them. Ladies: get ready and be open and receptive to the valuable information they will provide. Men: Bring additional questions/comments to the table. This forum is open to both singles and married folks. Exciting guests scheduled to appear with much needed discussion.​ingformyspouse for show schedule."

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Why Do We Hate Some Famous People?

LeBron James. Tiger Woods. Snooki. Charlie Sheen. People hate them. Well, maybe putting it that way is a tad bit strong, although it's true for some. But, let me reword it: People hate on them. Why is that?

What makes us not care for people we don't know?

Resentment opportunities taken for granted?
Media influence?

Straight hate talk on the Talk 2 Q Radio Show!

Live, Thursday, July 28th @ 10 PM EDT! * new time *

For my blog posting on "Why Do Everyday People Hate Famous People?" click here!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Big Love & Night Clubs

Download the show!

Stream the show!

I'm sure some of you have seen the show "Big Love" on HBO. If you haven't, it's the story of a man who has multiple wives and they all live together.

Also, how old is too old to regularly visit night clubs?  
Straight marriage and club talk on the Talk 2 Q Radio Show!

Sunday, July 24th @ 11 PM EDT / 10 PM EDT

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Soap Box Returns!

Ghetto fabulous: The combination of bad taste,an urban aesthetic and desire to wear one's wealth. Basically, high priced but tacky clothing and accessories.

The crazy thing about it is that some a lot of people embrace it. They feel as if it's some sort of honor or something.

Also, let me start this post by saying, "I love animals." As long as they're not trying to eat me, I'm cool with them. I don't go where they are and I don't want them up in my area. I especially love domesticated animals. I'm not a huge fan of cats, but I like dogs. Having said that, some people just take their love of animals way too far...

Join me as I get some things off of my chest come Thursday, July 21st, at 11 PM EDT/10 PM CDT.

Straight ranting on the Talk 2 Q Radio Show!

Check out my blog posting on "Nothing Fabulous About The Ghetto" and "Taking This 'I Love My Pet' Thing Too Far."

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Does America Have An Image Problem?

Listen to the show here!

Do we have an image problem in this country? We used to accept each other for the content of character, but now it's more about name brands and body shapes.

Who's responsible? Hollywood? Parents? Look at some examples of how it affects us:

Big girls/guys have it hard
Skinny women on magazine covers
Botox and plastic surgery hype
Name brand clothing and accessories
Toddlers and Tiaras

And those are just a few examples of this country's image problem gone wrong.

Straight image chat on the Talk 2 Q Radio Show!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Marriage Talk with Charli and Tiffany

LISTEN to the show here.

Charli and Tiffany grace the Talk 2 Q Radio Show with marriage chat!

We'll discuss the following:

- Are you always a lady in front of your man?
- Do single ladies give bad marriage advice?
- Do couples who always appear happy truly have problems?

Call (323) 784-3650 to ask questions to the experts or interact with them in the chat room that will open a few minutes before the show!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Why do kids disrespect?

LISTEN to the show.

What in the Wide World of Sports is wrong with today's kids? Or should I say "today's parents?" The lack of disrespect in this country is mind-blowing.

What happened to respecting teachers?

What happened to respecting the police?

Straight parenting talk on the Talk 2 Q Radio Show!  Sunday, 7/3, @ 11 PM ET / 10 PM ET

Follow me on Twitter @Talk2Q or subscribe to the show at iTunes!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Racial I.D.

LISTEN to the show.

Is your race based on a hyphen? (Ex. African-American, Italian-American, etc.)

Is your race defined by stereotypes?

Can a person be "color blind" to races?

What is your racial ID?

Straight race talk on the Talk 2 Q Radio Show! Thursday, 6/30, @ 11 PM ET / 10 PM CT.

Follow me on Twitter @Talk2Q or subscribe to the show at iTunes!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Do Gays Deserve Total Equality?

Listen to internet radio with ThankQ on Blog Talk Radio

Mobile phones can listen to the show here.

*** Our follow-up show to this airs January 23rd! Details here! ***

Should gays have the right to the same things heterosexual couples have in marriages?

Is the gay rights struggle equal to the civil rights struggle blacks had in the 60's?
Straight politics talk on the Talk 2 Q Radio Show!

Follow me on Twitter @Talk2Q or subscribe to the show at iTunes!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Legalize It!

Listen to the show here.

The only things that are just as old as prostitution are cockroaches and slavery. We know them as call girls, hookers, lot lizards, escorts, or ladies of the evening. Whatever you call them, they're not going away. So, should they be allowed to legally flip tricks?

I spoke with a friend of mine recently named M&M. He stated that legalizing prostitution would do the following: improve family structure, reduce crime, demolish the unemployment rate, and a few more things. Don't believe me? Click here and hear it for yourself.

After listening to some of his points, I tended to agree with most of them, if not all of them. Some of the deep thinking he brought to the table seemed like a stretch at first. But, after thinking about it longer, it seemed like it would eventually turn out the way he predicted if hookin' was legalized.

We then got into the subject of legalizing marijuana. M&M pretty much agreed that it should be done as well. But, before we could get deep into the conversation, I got a phone call from my man, Israel Carrasco, from out in L.A. If anyone had the scoop on "the sticky," it would be someone who lives in an area where medicinal "Mary Jane" is legal. Iz gave some great insight on how things work out in Cali and offered his opinion on how things would be if weed were legal nationwide. Like M&M, he also provided a very convincing argument.

Going into the conversation, I thought that the U.S. could benefit greatly from both being legalized. After all, once alcohol was legalized, it did wonders for our economy. Every holiday that we have, or major sporting event, groceries stores and liquor stores get cleaned out of their alcohol. The money that's spent on booze is staggering and it provides a huge boost to our economy.

Weed maybe arguably safer than beer. I've seen an angry drunk, but I've never seen an angry weed head. Worse case scenario on a weed head is that he/she eats up all
of your snacks. And if you legalize hookers, then they can have benefits which ensures good health. You'll also all but eliminate back alley head bobs which could lead to rape, robbery, or worse.

So, it's time for the government to get off of its moral high horse. I think it's more immoral to snatch a man's job and give it to someone else overseas on the cheap than to let him roll a blunt and get his jollies at the Bunny Ranch.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Criminal Rights: Fair or Foul?

You know we had to get back into this topic!  Our 6/5 show was explosive as Lora and Worm believed that criminals deserve some leisure time in prison while Latasha and I thought otherwise.
Do criminals deserve to play basketball or lift weights while in prison?
Should TV's be allowed for them to watch?
We'll see if we can take time to clarify our points in the live show and then go at it in "QT," the exclusive "Quincy Time" that's only available for those to stream the podcast.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Relationship Advice from Maneater & MeetJuliet

Thu., June 16th @ 11 PM EDT / 10 PM CDT
The Maneater and MeetJuliet grace the Talk 2 Q Radio Show with their relationship wisdom!
We'll discuss the following:
- How to manage a man's ego
- How to be an MVP in "The Dating Game"
- How to handle a break up and more!

Call (323) 784-3650 to ask questions to the experts or interact with them in the chat room that will open a few minutes before the show!

Tweet them @maneatersblog & @meetjuliet.
Maneater's blog is @
Juliet's site is located @

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The NBA Finals

We get into a discussion about the NBA Finals and any other sports topics that come up.
Call in number to speak with the host
(323) 784-3650
Mon, Jun 13, 2011 11 PM EDT / 10 PM CDT

Who deserves the criticism on Miami's team?  Wade? LeBron?  Spoelstra?
Did Dallas win it all or did Miami lose it?
Straight sports talk on the Talk 2 Q Radio Show!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Let Me See You Slutwalk!

 You can get more info on the Slutwalk here and here.

Let me see you Slutwalk! Do you know how? Okay, okay... no, this isn't the newest dance craze. Slutwalking is actually bringing an awareness to something serious, but at what cost?  This all started when a Toronto police officer said that if "women stopped dressing like sluts," then they will less likely be the victims of sexual assault. That raised the eyebrows of some people who said that the police were placing blame on the victim.

 Is there a such thing as "dressing like a slut?"

 If a woman dresses provocatively, is she "asking for it?"

Straight dress code talk on the Talk 2 Q Radio Show!  

Monday, June 6, 2011

Enter The Soap Box

(You can now subscribe to the podcast on iTunes!)

The Soap Box is a segment of the show that I want to introduce this week. This indicates that I plan on discussing multiple topics that have been on my mind. It could result into a rant on my behalf, so be on guard!
This first installment of The Soap Box consists of:

Do you vote Democrat or Republican no matter what?

Do criminals deserve rights?

Also, if you could create one law, what would it be?

Straight politics on the Talk 2 Q Radio Show!
The Talk 2 Q Radio Show now has a Tumblr account @!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Stalkers & Cheaters

What possesses a person to want to be with someone who doesn't want them? What makes a person resort to hiding in the shadows to spy on someone who isn't interesting?

Why do cheaters feel the need to be #1? If you're the jump-off, what makes you think it's okay to approach the spouse to tell them to "get lost?"

If the person you're cheating with says they're divorcing their spouse to be with you, should you believe it?

Straight relationship talk on the Talk 2 Q Radio Show!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

All About Sports

It was only a matter of time before I fell back into my comfort zone!  M&M and I discuss sports from the NFL Lockout to the NBA Finals!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Racism Lives 2

Listen Live!

Are the new immigration laws Arizona is trying to pass out of line?

Do interracial relationships hurt/help minorities?

More racism talk on the Talk 2 Q Radio Show!
Sunday @ 11 PM EDT / 10 PM CDT. Call (323) 784-3650 or hit up the chat room to join the discussion!
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Friday, May 27, 2011

Enter "The Friend Zone"

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"You're such a nice guy.  I hope that I find someone like you some day..."

Men, we've heard this before.  The backhanded compliment when a woman says she hope to find someone "like you," but she doesn't want you.

Once a woman considers you "a friend," there's no chance of you getting with her.  Why do some ladies think some guys are perfect friends, but not preferred mates?

More relationship talk on the Talk 2 Q Radio Show!

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Monday, May 23, 2011

For The Ladies

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Are men intimidated by professional / educated women?

The ladies get the spotlight on the Talk 2 Q Radio Show!
Sunday @ 11 PM EDT / 10 PM CDT. Call (323) 784-3650 or hit up the chat room to join the discussion!

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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Do Twitter and Facebook both ruin lives?

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Will Twitter and Facebook cost you your job and / or relationship?

People use social networks as cyber psychologists or political platforms. Should a person have the right to air their opinion / personal lives on social networks without fear of being fired or discussed amongst friends?

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Friday, May 13, 2011

Are Kids Too Soft?

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Do parents coddle their kids too much?

Is the fact that schools can't discipline children contributing to their empowerment?

Where do kids get their sense of entitlement?

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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Bling, Tattoos, and Disrespect

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Do people love flashy? Are some of these "peacocks" that are walking around considered "prime choice" when it comes to choosing a mate?

What do you think of tattoos? Art, gangsta, or ridiculous?

Do ladies like being disrespected? Is that the reason Chris Brown and R. Kelly on top of the charts?

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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Let's Talk About Sex, Part II

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Why do women use sex as a weapon? They always talk about "giving him some," but shouldn't it be shared?

Do you watch adult movies with your partner or is it a solo thing?

Lastly, we'll chat about white women / black men: are white women the black man's Krpytonite?

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Kids and Role Models

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Who is your child's role model? Obama or Lil' Wayne? Oprah or Nene? Kids today follow what they see on TV, but shouldn't parents be the role model in their child's life?

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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Thursday, April 28, 2011

What Can Obama Do?

What do you think President Obama can do to improve America?

Listen now!

Drop the hammer on oil companies?
End all of the wars in the Middle East?
Tax rich people and companies more?
Stop playing politics with the Birthers and Tea Party and give the the Presidential finger?

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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Dead Beat Parents

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Tonight's show talked about what we need to do to stop the never-ending cycle of single parenting. Each year, we get deeper and deeper into more of a mess as thousands of babies are born each month without two willing parents to care for them. Seventy-two percent of black babies are born to unmarried mothers today. Seventy-freakin'-two! Are you kidding me?

Check out the podcast as I discuss this topic with three fathers who are always there for their children. If you need direction on how a man handles his business when it comes to his kids, then you can't pass up this show. Too many boys out there call themselves "men" and it's to the point now that a lot of you ladies don't even know what a real man is these days.  I know plenty of boys in adult bodies and in order for you to learn how to distinguish them, you need to pay attention to what these three men have to say.

Also, if you need more insight, check out this blog post here...

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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Working On You with Chaplain Donna


Chaplain Donna, of Empowered Peace, is an ordained reverend and endorsed chaplain with a passion for spiritual, emotional and physical care. Join us as we discuss improving yourself and positively influencing those around you.

Duration: 30 mins.

Show #7

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Single Men and Married Women, Part II

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This is a follow-up to last night's show on single women targeting married men. We will finish the discussion on that as well as getting into other topics involving relationships.

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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Hollywood Has Changed

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Jersey Shore, Real Housewives of (Insert City), Antione Dodson, yadda, yadda, yadda. Wow. Things have changed since I was younger. It used to be a requirement that in order to make it on the "big screen," you had to have talent. Now, talent is not required; you just have to be trendy. Also, people used to be penalized for doing something illegal and immoral. Not now. Charlie Sheen and Lindsay Lohan won't lose a dime despite the fact that they're both nuts.

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