Flash mobs are organized activities that can be bad or good. However, a couple of weeks ago, a Jacksonville, FL Walmart caught the bad as 300 people trashed their store. How do we stop, prevent and punish those who participate?
Who would have ever guessed that the "barnyard pimp" (a rooster) would be a topic on T2Q? Chick-Fil-A's president said that marriage is defined as a man and a woman. Well, there are some people in the gay community who are upset over the notion. They're calling for boycotts of the restaurant. What's your take on this controversy?
A black couple who attend a white church in Crystal Springs, MS were told that they could not get married in their predominantly white Baptist church. What!!???
How do you go about handling gun control? After the shootings in Aurora, CO, is it needed? This tragedy has turned into a political platform and there needs to be a solution to try and prevent incidents like this. What should the punishment be for the perpetrator?
All of these things and more on #T2Q!
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Bound to be a heated topic. Personally I won't eat at Chick-Fil-A or attend the aforementioned church. The term 'biggots' comes to mind.