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T2Q kicks off Women's History Month with a simple question: what is a "real woman?" Joining us on the show will be Mone't, Brittany, Erica and Show Legend, Amanda!
We've seen it defined as being "strong, loving and independent." Are those a recipe for a "real woman?" A man's definition of those terms can be completely different than a woman's. I'll call upon my male Show Legends to ask the tough questions to figure out just what exactly a "real woman" is in this second installment of "Men Asking Women Tough Questions."
Ladies, it's your month, so if you don't represent for yourself, then I'm not responsible for what M&M, Ray, Buck, Badman, TrueSpeech or any other dude says on the show! :)
We'll also discuss guilt. You've heard of "white guilt," but never "male guilt." Should men publicly apologize for the mistreatment of women over the course of history just as whites did to blacks?
And why do women always have to win arguments? Even if you don't win, guys still lose. What's up with that?
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Show No. 200

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