Tuesday, May 19, 2015

It Ain't No Fun When The Rabbit Has The Gun

Tuesday, May. 19th @ 10 PM EDT 

Stream the show here

I don't quite understand modern day hunters. Some of them do it the old fashion way, but new schoolers have extreme measures of taking down the animals they hunt. Is it really "hunting" if the animals don't stand a chance against their stalkers? I remember how older generations of hunters would go out with their guns and hunting dogs to track and catch their prey. Today's generation of hunters take a different approach:

  • Leaving food in open areas to get a good shot at deer. 
  • Using bigger guns or automatic rifles to get more impactful shots. 
  • Depending on technology to detect fish to find "hot spots" in lakes. 

Is all of that fair to the animals? Why not just go to the zoo and shoot the animals in the cages? Okay, maybe it's not that extreme, but you get the point.

We'll discuss that and more on the Talk 2 Q Radio Show! "No experts. Just opinions." 

Show No. 479

Scheduled for 75-90 mins.

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