Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Miss Independent w/@RuizaJenni & @JeseniaComedian

Air date: Sun., Mar. 17th @ 10 PM EDT / 7 PM PDT
Sun., Mar. 17th @ 10 PM EDT
Call-In #: (347) 202-0215
Stream the show from here!

Actresses, Jesenia Bailey and Jenni Ruiza rejoin the Talk 2 Q Radio Show as I continue Women's History Month!  They will take time away from working on the YouTube hit, "Becoming Ricardo" to spend a little time with me on the show to discuss a variety of topics.

Can a woman be too independent? Can she be so used to doing things on her own that she actually drives away good men?  

We'll discuss that and the following topics in regards to women:

How do you know if you're really on a date or just hanging out with a guy?  The lack of communication between the sexes is the root of a majority of relationship problems.  We'll discuss how you can tell the difference between "hanging out" and "dating."

Is permanent impotency grounds for a divorce?  If a man physically cannot perform sexually, then does that give his significant other the right to get out of the marriage?  Or does that fall under the "sickness and health" clause?

All of these things and more on T2Q!

"No experts. Just opinions."
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