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In late August, the Mississippi state Supreme Court voted 9-0 to overturn a decision blocking the open-carry/concealed-weapon law. The bill states that an adult doesn't need to carry a permit to carry a gun that's not concealed. So, if it's in the open, then like John Wayne, you can wear it on your hip without a permit. That's if you're not a ex-felon or mental health patient.
Will this make law enforcement more trigger happy knowing that they will encounter people with immediate access to guns? Will this deter car jackings and robberies if the bad guys think that you may be "quick on the draw?"
Also being discussed on the show:
- Will robots replace humans in the hospitals sooner than later?
- Is a man telling a woman to smile a form of male domination?
These things and more on the Talk 2 Q Radio Show!
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Show No. 267
Good show tonight Q, about the open carry gun laws. Can't wait for next week's shows!