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So many people in the world are afraid. There are a lot of reasons to be afraid at times. Ebola is spreading. War and terrorism is always on the horizon. People are committing crimes left and right with the economy being so bad. The list goes on. By now you've either seen or heard of the terrorizing clown from "American Horror Story" that people have talked about. I didn't post the photo of the clown because I personally know some followers who would have a stroke in front of their laptop if they saw it. However, that clown and a Facebook friend's post prompted this show on things people fear that many of us are unaware of.
What about unconventional things that scare a certain group of people? Sure, we know about people being afraid of heights, or snakes, or things of that nature. But, I'm talking about people who are afraid of colors, bathing, sleeping, or even yes, God forbid, having a fear of opinions! That's a real thing.
We'll get into that tonight and also Zone Coverage NFL Week 7 wrap up on the Talk 2 Q Radio Show!
"No experts. Just opinions."
Show No. 406
Scheduled for 90-120 mins.
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