Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Is #Booty the New Dollar Bill? #SeasonPremiere

Tuesday, Mar. 10th @ 10 PM EDT 

Stream the show here

It's all over. We can't get enough of it. We love it in movies, TV, and definitely in music. Booty. Something that's been around since the dawn of time now gets more attention than ever. Now, as a black man, it's nothing new to me. Culturally speaking, black men in the south have appreciated the derrière since Day One.

However, let's be honest that nothing becomes famous until white people get involved. Let's keep it real. So, when people started appreciating J-Lo and Kim K, the phenomenon blew up to what it is today. But, exactly what is it today?

  • Booty gets women dates from the most eligible guys. 
  • Booty can get you a spot on TV. 
  • Booty can even get you free admission or backstage passes to events. 

It's the Season 4 Premiere as T2Q returns from vacation!  We'll discuss these things and more on the Talk 2 Q Radio Show! "No experts. Just opinions."

Show No. 441

Scheduled for 120 mins.

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