Tuesday, December 22, 2015

How Do We Bridge Generation Gaps?

Can you converse effectively with someone 20 years older or younger than you?

Stream the show here!
Tue., Dec. 22nd @ 10 PM Eastern. 

Every 15 to 20 years things change.  Society evolves regardless if it's for better or for worse.  However, as a people, not all of us evolve.  Some of us are left in the past without making attempts to understand anything outside of the realm of our generation.

Tonight we will discuss what can be done to bridge the generation gap.  How can we grow older and still get the respect of our younger generation?  How can the younger generation teach "an old dog new tricks?"

We'll discuss that and more on tonight's Talk 2 Q Radio Show!  "No experts.  Just opinions."

Scheduled for 90 mins.

Show No. 550

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