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Tue., Dec. 1st @ 10 PM Eastern
Fast-forward to 2015 and that rarely exists. Now there are some women who are just jerks. They allow their pride to interfere with happiness and the possibility of being a successful couple.
Guys were once protectors. We didn't just defend our woman. We defended all women. We wouldn't sit back and allow someone's character to be trashed. We would speak out against atrocities against women. It started with fathers who raised their sons to do the right thing (even when no one was looking). It made boys grow up feeling a sense of responsibility towards helping other people. It gave women a sense of security that "this one is going to make everything okay."
Fast-forward to 2015 and that rarely exists. Now guys actually look to victimize women. They allow their ego to interfere with happiness and the possibility of being a successful couple.
Where did we go wrong? When did some women turn into loud-mouth jerks and some men turned into perpetrators instead of protectors? Why do we refuse to show love for one another just for the sake of not appearing weak in the relationship?
We'll discuss this and more on the Talk 2 Q Radio Show! "No experts. Just opinions."
Yeah, this won't be controversial at all, huh?
Show No. 543
Scheduled for 75-90 mins.
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