Tuesday, May 16, 2017

T2Q is on Hiatus until 5/30/17!

T2Q returns Tuesday, 5/30 at 9 PM Eastern!
How's it going, all?  Guess what?  T2Q has reached its 700th episode!  Because of that, I really want the show to be big.  That means that I'm going to need a lot of time to prepare for this particular episode.

So, when you think of that and factor in a trip to Oxford, MS this week and St. Louis, MO the following week, then you'll understand that I need some time to prepare.

However, I may try to drop a podcast or two in the meantime.  It really depends on if I can find a free moment or not.

But, I thank all of you for listening to the Talk 2 Q Radio Show and I hope to see you all tuned in on May 30th as we get into more topics that require "No experts.  Just opinions,"

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