Sunday, February 17, 2013

Interracial Dating is Hard

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Air date: Sunday, Feb. 17th, @ 10 PM EST / 7 PM PST

Want to know the best way to get attention? Walk into a room of one race of people with a significant other from another race of people.

Interracial dating is more prevalent than ever now, but it still causes some people to receive side eye when in public or even around family.

However, that's not necessarily the most difficult thing to deal with when it comes to interracial relationships. There are some smaller, more subtle obstacles that a lot of people don't consider that trips them up.

Religious beliefs, parenting skills and more all come from the culture in which we're raised.  If those don't mix, then it can cause even more problems than a room full of bigots ever could.

We'll discuss that, volatile relationships, joint bank accounts and why some people think that having a baby or getting married is a cure-all for a bad relationship.

All of these things and more on the Talk 2 Q Radio Show!

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"No experts. Just opinions."  


  1. ooooh I love it. I will be sure to chime in even if it's only in the chat room. :D

    1. Aw, this show was Sunday night, Jewels. You missed it. :(


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