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The topic of rape has really been in the news a lot as of late. Especially, given the recent case in Ohio with the two teen-aged boys who were convicted for raping a girl at a party.
There are so many variations of rape and I don't think that a lot of people understand that. Most think that rape is when a man hides in the bushes, jumps out, clubs a woman over the head and forcibly takes her. Or maybe some creep puts something in a drink that renders a woman unconscious. Those are definitely two examples of rape and should be punishable to the fullest extend of the law. But, rape can come in a lot of forms.
However, with the other forms of rape, should there be a different approach to how they're tried in the court of law? What if a woman and a man get drunk together and have sex, can he be charged with rape? If she's in no condition to consent to sex, is he in a condition to adhere to the non-consent since he's drunk, too? Since he is also drunk, would he also have a claim to being raped?
These are things that I think our courts should address. More needs to be done to prevent a guy from going to jail because a woman is pissed at him, scared of what her parents/friends may think or because they got high together, had sex and she woke up with regret. We'll discuss this in relation to the Ohio teens recently sentenced for raping a girl at a party.
We'll also discuss Rick Ross rapping about date rape in one of his songs. Simply entertainment or was it irresponsible?
All of these things and more on what will undoubtedly be the most controversial Talk 2 Q Radio Show to date.
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Show No. 210
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