Tuesday, September 29, 2015

How to Get Married (Successfully)!

Don't you want to know how you can tie the knot?

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Okay, now that I have your attention, a lot of you are thinking to yourself, "Q, how in the world can you help me get married?" Well, I can't. I can only throw out suggestions and then it's up to you to incorporate it in your life. Although some of the things people can do may seem basic we all need to return to fundamentals now and then.

Listen as I bounce questions off if my Show Legends and Facebookers to see if how they feel about the suggestions I make that may (or may not) help them get married!

Afterwards, we'll get into some sports on Zone Coverage all on the Talk 2 Q Radio Show! "No experts. Just opinions."

Show No. 523

Scheduled for 75-90 mins.

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