Sunday, May 17, 2020

Q-on-1 w/Style Coach, Gunner Mattheson

Ladies, if you're ready to ditch your leggings and get back to dressing like a grown-up, then you need to get connected to my guest.

Duration: 42 minutes.

She's a wardrobe stylist and the creator of the podcast, "Burn Your Leggings" which can be found on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and other sites. Welcome Ms. Gunner Mattheson to the Talk 2 Q Radio Show!

On this podcast, I have a ton of questions to ask her that will benefit my lady listeners. We will discuss being too over-exposed or too conservative in your style, how to shop for clothing while on a budget, options for buying clothes during a weight loss journey, and much, much more!

I go Q-on-1 with the @FabulousLadyGunner on the Talk 2 Q Radio Show!

You can check out her Facebook page here.

Show #792

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