Sunday, March 7, 2021

Join Me On Dope Discussions Live!

I get to be on the answering side of the questions again!

WATCH on YouTube.

I get to make another appearance on Dope Discussions Live as I join Erica, Gator, Queen Cole, and Mz. Tee to talk about code switching!

What is code switching?  That's when a person adjusts their vernacular and conduct depending on the group of people he/she is around.  For example: a black man may be introduced to another black man and "give him dap" upon exchanging greetings.  That same black man may extend his hand for a hand shake with a white man instead.

Should people code switch?  We'll discuss that and more on DDL!  Check it out!
Let me know what you think of the episode in the comments below or shoot me an e-mail over to

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