Wednesday, August 5, 2020

BYOT: Bring Your Own Topic!

This is a T2Q first: the caller gets to pick the topic! That's right! You call in and we'll discuss whatever it is that you want for a few minutes.

Listen on your favorite podcasting platform here.

Duration: 92 minutes.

It's a chance to truly reflect the nature of the show which is to allow YOU to have a platform to express yourself on something that you feel is important. 

Here are some topics submitted to me via FB: 
  • Michael R. in Mississippi, "Do we need to create a (legitimate) 3rd political party?" 
  • TeAndra W. in Mississippi, "What laws need to be created to get corrupt people out of office?" 
  • Derrick W. in Georgia, "Are people too sensitive today to truly enjoy the 90's sitcoms available on Netflix?" #Colorism #FatShaming #LGBTQ 
  • Erica W. in Louisiana, "Do we believe that she's (Beyonce) worshipping demonic spirits?" 
These things and more as the callers will drive the content on this show! 

the Talk 2 Q Radio Show! "No experts. Just opinions." 

Show #835 

This season finale for Season 8 is sponsored by Mystified Podcast!  

The live call-in show will return on Wednesday, September 9th!  Until then, enjoy the podcasts filled with interviews and classic show clips every Sunday and Thursday!

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Some things just need to be said, so say them!