Saturday, June 27, 2020

Q-on-1 w/Actor & Wrtier, Charli Marie

Charli Marie is a screenwriter, a social media coordinator, and a script supervisor, but her main love and focus is acting! She has lived in several different states, but California will always be her home. 

Listen on your favorite podcasting platform here.

Duration: 20 minutes.

Her main goal in film-making and in being a creative is to spread love to the rest of the world through human connection and empathy. "We give our audience the freedom to empathize with our characters no matter how 'good' or 'evil' they may seem. And as our audience falls in love or disdain with our characters, we can change the world. One human connection at a time, our audiences feel free to emotionally engage more deeply and effectively with those around them." - from

I have a discussion with her about the ins and outs of the film industry and the many roles that she takes on in order to be successful in film.  What does a script supervisor do?  Do you have to be an author to be a screenwriter?

This and more on this Q-on-1 edition of the Talk 2 Q Radio Show.

Her IMDB page is located here.

Show #813

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